Signing a declaration of cooperation on IWW E70 within Poland

Podpisanie deklaracji o współpracy w sprawie MDW E70 na terenie Polski

Economic stimulation is one of the main ideas of the program declaration on activities for the development of the Polish section of International Waterway E70 in the years 2023-2030, which on 1 June of this year is due to be signed in Tolkmicko by the Marshals of five voivodeships: Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie and Lubuskie.

The possibility of reviving inland waterways and promotion of water tourism on water routes belonging to the Polish section of International Waterway E70 have significant importance for the social-economic development of regions lying along this route.

A strong conviction on the appropriateness of activities for development of inland waterways in Poland has resulted in the inter-regional cooperation of the voivodeships: Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko–Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Warmińsko–Mazurskie. This unique initiative of regional governments, lasting now over 15 years, has the goal of overcoming many years of inability in the matter of inland waterways and the development of water tourism. It is the initiative of the Marshals of five Polish voivodeships, focussed on the idea of revitalisation of the Polish section of International Waterway E70.


The priorities of further collaboration in the framework of the new declaration will include:

1) making use of the potential of IWW E70 for the economic development of the voivodeships involved, both in tourism as well as transport areas,

2) creating a network tourism product of IWW E70, taking advantage of the unique cultural, natural and scenic qualities in the impact area of waterway E70,

3) making efforts towards the development and implementation by the Polish Government of a comprehensive program making the Polish section of IWW E70 navigable,

4) making a common application for EU funds for IWW E70,

5) undertaking activities allowing tourist boating in the short term on the Polish section of IWW E70, including the elimination of so-called ‘bottlenecks’,

6) taking consideration in work on revitalisation of the Polish section of IWW E70 of an integrated approach to managing waterways in the context of transport development; this includes the needs and plans of intensive development of the transhipment capabilities of the seaports in Szczecin, Gdynia and Gdańsk, climatic change, water management, environmental protection, spatial planning, and development of cities and tourism,

7) organising the cooperation of those interested in the development of IWW E70.

The act of signing the declaration will take place in the Tolkmicko Town Hall on 1 June of this year at 4 pm.


The website is edited at the Department of Infrastructure of the Marshal's Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship.


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