Media campaign to promote IWW E70

Media campaign to promote IWW E70

Paweł Daszkiewicz
Paweł Daszkiewicz

Even though the boating season is behind us, the IWW E70 team is not stopping with its work. In carrying out information and promotional activities for the International Waterway E70, we developed a media campaign. It promotes this interesting in terms of nature, history and sightseeing route, which is the most beautiful waterway in Poland.

As part of the prepared project, an advertising spot was aired by local radio stations in the partner voivodeships, and there was promotion of the audio spot on Spotify and the video spot on YouTube. A series of podcasts entitled “Tourist Values of the International Waterway E70” was also produced. Experts from selected voivodeships present interesting reasons for travelling along the International Waterway E70 and discovering the values of the regions through which it runs.

You are welcome to listen to these interesting recordings, links to which are available below.

Enjoy listening!

Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship – “A Lagoon of Opportunities”

Lubuskie Voivodeship – “Lubuskie – the river topic”

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship – “Vistula River in Kujawy and Pomerania – business, tourism, opportunities”.

Pomorskie Voivodeship “Ahoy! Adventure!”

Wielkopolskie Voivodeship – “With Wielkopolska order and respect for tradition”

Przydatne linki

The website is edited at the Department of Infrastructure of the Marshal's Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship.


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