On 4 July 2024, a meeting was held in Warsaw to inaugurate the work of the Team for the development of a government programme defining modernisation and maintenance measures to be implemented on the Polish section of the International Waterway E70 in terms of developing its tourism potential, enhancing its unique cultural, natural and landscape values for the purpose of activating passenger navigation and widely understood water tourism.
Głównym tematem spotkania była prezentacja założeń dokumentu dot. ujęcia kwestii prawnych i powiązań z dokumentami strategicznymi i planistycznymi, diagnozy społeczno – gospodarczej, w tym charakterystyki żeglugi pasażerskiej i turystyki wodnej, określenia wizji programu i jego celów, wpływu programu na środowisko oraz opracowania listy projektów inwestycyjnych. Omówiono również zakładany horyzont czasowy realizacji programu, który przewiduje jego zakończenie do roku 2040.
W pracach Zespołu uczestniczą przedstawiciele Ministerstwa Infrastruktury, Państwowego Gospodarstwa Wodnego Wody Polskie oraz Województw: Lubuskiego, Wielkopolskiego, Kujawsko – Pomorskiego, Pomorskiego i Warmińsko – Mazurskiego.
The meeting focused mainly on the presentation of the assumptions of the document regarding the legal issues and links with strategic and planning documents, the socio-economic diagnosis, including the characteristics of passenger navigation and water tourism, the definition of the programme’s vision and objectives, the impact of the programme on the environment and the development of a list of investment projects. The assumed time horizon for the programme, expected to be completed by 2040, was also discussed.
Participants in the work of the Team include representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure, PGW Wody Polskie (National Water Management Authority) and the Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeships.
It is worth mentioning that the need for economic and tourist activation of the west-east waterway covering the Oder, Warta, Noteć, Bydgoszcz Canal, Brda, Vistula, Nogat, Szkarpawa, Elbląg and the Vistula Lagoon arose in 2006. To date, a number of projects have been completed that have significantly improved the water infrastructure, including the modernisation of quays and the construction of modern marinas. The priority given to this waterway is reflected in its inclusion in the National Masterplan of Inland Navigation by 2030 entitled: “Study of directions for the development of the IWW E70 infrastructure”. In addition, on 11 June this year, a letter of intent on cooperation for the development of the Polish section of the International Waterway E70 was signed between the Ministry of Infrastructure, the National Water Management Authority and five voivodeships, which contributed to the start of work on the development and implementation of the project.