1. IWW E70 Guide for Boaters – Practical guidelines for sailors and other water enthusiasts. Readers will find essential information about the waterways that make up the Polish section of the IWW E70 as well as points of interest for tourists. A lot of details referring to hydraulic structures and characteristics of the rivers and canals.

1. Hydrological and navigational conditions of the Polish section of the International Waterway E70 – publication Source materials based on, inter alia, on the street, field work of the Water Road Revitalization employees operating at the Institute of Geography.

1. Programme and Spatial Concepts of the IWW E70. One of the key documents concerning the IWW E70, which includes an analysis of the present-day condition of the infrastructure, parameters of the waterways and economic potential of the regions along the IWW E70.

1. European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance – in English – The European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN), signed on 19 January 1996 at Geneva, is the basic document indicating the directions for the development of inland waterway networks in Europe.

1. Programme for development of inland waterway transport infrastructure in Poland. Part 1 Functional analysis of inland waterway transport and water tourism in Poland. ◦ The first, recently published, comprehensive report on the state of Polish waterways.