Years of reductions in waterways investments have created backlogs so severe that it has now become necessary to set priorities, create long-term investment plans and procure funds for the financing of these works.

The International Waterway E70 (Rotterdam – Berlin – Kostrzyn – Bydgoszcz – the Vistula Lagoon – Kaliningrad) links Western Europe, via the Berlin Waterway Junction and the northern region of Poland, with Kaliningrad, and further on, with the waterway system of the Neman River.

Programme Vision Statement: “Sustainable development of the regions along the planned Polish section of the International Waterway E70 (Oder – Warta – Noteć – Bydgoszcz Canal – Brda – Vistula – Nogat – Jagielloński Canal – Vistula Lagoon) through the development of various forms of inland shipping and other forms of economic activity related to the accessibility to inland waterways.”

Priority 1: “Adaptation of the planned Polish section of the International Waterway E70 (Oder – Warta – Noteć – Bydgoszcz Canal – Brda – Vistula – Nogat – Jagielloński Canal – Vistula Lagoon) to meet the technical requirements of class II waterways at the minimum, ensuring safe, day and night navigation for at least 240 days a year.

In September 2007, on the initiative of the Marshals of voivodeships ( Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie), the Cross-Regional Working Team was appointed for the Polish section of the IWW E70.