In Szczecin on 7-8 May 2022, the latest “Picnic on the Odra” took place. This event has been held every year since 1992.
Over 150 exhibitors from all over Poland and abroad gathered for the event. Combining a tourism trade fair with a rich artistic and culinary program, it attracted crowds of visitors. After a year’s break, on the map of the Festival of Travel and Free Time the picnic stage again appeared, where, along with the performances of local artists, journalists of the website conducted a fair studio and conversations with exhibitors. Because of the picnic’s ‘family’ character, the organisers prepared attractions for the young ones in a specially marked area.
The exhibitors promoted their regions, presenting the tourist infrastructure. As in past years, there was also a stand of the International Waterway E70. One of the most varied and picturesque boating routes in Poland stirred strong interest in visitors. The professionally prepared materials offered additional encouragement to decide on boating down at least part of this lovely waterway.

fot. K.Mężyński